Hire Remote Global Talent

A new standard for global employment

Hiring and employing internationally is complicated. We take care of the complexity and are here to support you and your employees every step of the way.

Onboarding & offer management

Provide a great onboarding experience for your remote team member as they start their employment with you. Make them feel cared for with an employment contract that meets local standards, and valued with a local benefits package that's both attractive and relevant for where they live.

Compliant employment contracts for your remote employees in 150 countries

Whether it's a new hire or an existing contractor or employee, we can provide you with a locally compliant employment contract that fits as closely as possible with your existing policies.


We can help to communicate your company probation policies to your remote employee. We can also advise on international probationary periods, policies and procedures to ensure that you remain compliant.

Performance plans and disciplinary management

Omnipresent can help you create and run locally compliant performance and improvement plans, as well as disciplinary processes and notices should employees not meet the required standards.

Leave management

We give guidance on holidays, sick leave, maternity, paternity, or family leave based on statutory requirements in 150 countries. We want you to feel empowered to support your remote team when they need it the most.


If for any reason you or your employee decide to end the employment relationship, Omnipresent will help guide and process the termination and off-boarding of your remote employees.


Every type of expense in every currency. Review, approve and pay your teams' expenses in any currency they incur it in.

International HR support

Sense check your HR and management processes against our international database. Our international team of experts are on hand if you are ever unsure about whether you are meeting local labour laws, standards and regulations.

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